Video 28: Morote Seoinage

Rowdy Staff

Time to meet a close relative of the ippon seoinage, the morote seoinage. It features a Ronda Rousey grip switch-up but other than that, it’s mostly the same. Don’t fret, judo student. It just means more practice on these judo throws which a judoka can never have enough of.

Here are the main things:

1. Can use traditional or one-sided grip.

Dealer’s choice: Snatch up a standard grip on the sleeve and the lapel or try this new one-sided grip. Grab the sleeve just like you normally do but instead of gripping the opposite lapel, grip the same side as the sleeve grip.

2. One-sided grip: Less pressure on elbow.

It’s up to you, you can use whichever grip is more comfortable for you but Ronda feels like the one-sided grip allows for less pressure put on your elbow. So, if your elbows are bad or if you’re nursing and training through a minor injury, use the one-sided grip.

3. “Big toe to big toe” (step across with lead leg).

Just like last time practicing the ippon seoinage, when you step across with the lead leg (a little farther than shoulder length apart) line up with your opponent’s big toe.

4. Pull up and toward you.

Pull the opponent’s sleeve arm up and towards you. With floor throws, you always want to make your opponent as light as possible because you’re going to be tossing them and hopefully winning the match, fight, or political dispute with a friend that’s turned awry.

5. Turn 180-degrees, lower hips by bending knees.

All at the same time, turn into your opponent as you’re pulling up and toward you. Remember to squat down with your belt below your opponent’s for maximum leverage. You don’t want this to be a strain.

6. “Up and over!” (lift, bend, turn).

In prime position, life up from your squat with your opponent on your back and throw them over. If they felt really heavy, keep practicing until it’s more fluid and the opponent seems lighter and lighter. You can do it!

Hopefully, you don’t have bad knees like Ronda Rousey does, because coming up is the drop seoinagi.

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